

  • Moonstone shows an almost magical play of light as its characteristic feature. It owes its name to this mysterious gleaming which appears different whenever the stone changes its position in movement. Experts call this the “adularescence”, and in earlier times the phases of waxing and waning moon were though to be discerned in this phenomenon. Moon Stone

    Moonstone from Sri Lanka, the classical country of origin for Moonstone, shimmers pale blue on almost transparent ground. Specimen from India shoe cloudlike plays of light and shade on beige brown, green, orange or simple brown background. These subdued colours in combination with the fine shine make Moonstone an ideal gemstone for jewellery with a sensuous and feminine character. This gemstone was once before extremely popular, about a hundred years ago in the times of Art Nouveau. It used to decorate a striking amount of pieces of jewellery created by the famous French Master Goldsmith René Lalique and by his contemporaries. These pieces are usually only found in a museum or in collections nowadays.

    Many mystical and magical connotations surround this stone. In several cultures, like for example in India, it is considered a sacred and magical gemstone. In India Moonstone is also appreciated as a “dream stone”, as it is supposed to bring about sweet and beautiful dreams. In Arab countries women often were Moonstone sewn into their garment, because there this gemstone is appreciated as a symbol of fertility.

    Moonstone symbolises a holistic view of man and woman. Its soft shine will support the emotional and dreamy tendencies of a person. The associations thus involved make Moonstone of course the ideal stone for lovers, reputed to bring forth feelings of tenderness and to protect true love. It is also reported that wearing a Moonstone will further intuition and your sensitivity for others.

    What are Moonstones and where do they come from?

    The mystical stone belongs to the large mineral family of feldspars, which provide almost two thirds of all stones on our Earth. In the case of Moonstone, we are looking at the feldspar variety called “adularia” a silicate of potassium aluminium in gemstone quality, which is also found in the European Alps near the Adula-group – thus the name “adularia”. Another synonym for Moonstone is “Selenite”, according to the Greek goddess of the moon, Selene.

    When uncut, Moonstones look quite boring and make it difficult to discern their attractiveness: the mysterious play of light. It will only be brought out by the cutter’s expertise and skills. Classical Moonstones are always cut as cabochons. Here the appropriate height of the stone is essential. The cutter must also bear in mind to locate the crystal axis exactly in the zenith of the stone, because only then the desired effect of light play will be achieved.

    The classical, bluish and almost transparent Moonstones traditionally came from Sri Lanka. But they are also found in the USA, in Brasil, Australia, Myanmar, and Madagascar. Since blue Moonstones in fine qualities have become more and more scarce in recent time, the prices have increased accordingly.

    For some years now also green, blue and peach or smoke and champagne coloured, black and reddish specimen have been offered, which come mainly from India. Some of these show not only the typical the typical floating play of light, but also a cat’s eye or a multi-rayed star. These stones, then, are not only cut as cabochons, but also cut as intricate cameos, sometimes engraved as children’s -, moon - or gargoyle face. They also show the play of light which is so typical for Moonstone, just like the spheres and beads made from suitable raw material to be crafted into fine necklaces.

    Where does the striking play of light come from?

    The light of a Moonstone is something special indeed in the fascinating world of gemstones. Experts call this phenomenon “adularescence”. The origin of this phenomenon is the interior structure of the gemstone in scales or lamellas. Incoming rays of light are refracted inside the stone and scattered. In this way, then, there is created a unique play of light, which makes Moonstone so special and coveted.

    This beautiful gemstone, however, has a considerable drawback: it only achieves a hardness of merely six on the Mohs’ scale. Moonstones should thus be handled carefully, as they are very fragile. On the other hand, small damages which will arise after longer periods of being worn, can be corrected relatively easily. A jeweller can have a dulled Moonstone polished in such a way, that it will regain its mystical light like on the first day.

    Three-dimensional colour and seductive charm

    When purchasing Moonstone you will be astonished at the striking differences in price. The more intense the colour, the larger and more transparent the stone, the more valuable is the gem. Really top quality fine blue Moonstone show an incredible “three-dimensional” depth of colour, which you will see clearly only when playfully tilting the stone and moving it. Such specimen are very rare and thus highly coveted, and of course accordingly valuable. The brighter coloured Indian Moonstones are not only a fashion trend. They are usually a little less expensive than the classical blue variant, so that everybody today may pick his or her favourite Moonstone to meet exactly all requirements of taste and budget.

    Moonstones are Nature’s treasures with a sensuous and seductive charm. The do not only ask to be looked at and admired, the require to be worn and moved a lot. Because only then the soft veil of light which makes this gemstone so attractive will be able to display its beauty to the best effect.


    Moon Stone

  • Morganite is a pink, peach or purple/pink variety of Beryl, a beryllium aluminum silicate mineral with hardness of 7.5 to 8. Its crystal system is hexagonal (trigonal).Its color is caused by manganese. Morganite was mined first in Madagascar in 1902. It was named after the financier and mineral collector J.P. Morgan. Important deposits of Morganite come from Brazil, Madagascar, Africa and the United States.

    As Rose Quartz is the great energizer of personal love and self love , Morganite is attuned most clearly to the frequency of Divine love. Morganite open the heart on another level, making us aware of the huge ocean of cosmic love within which we all exist. Morganite give us the opportunity to surrender to the immense power of Divine love and let it show us our life path more clearly.



    Morganite can bring an immediate release of old pain and sorrow and a sense of lightness, as though a burden has been lifted. It can make the healing of old wounds easier, bringing long-forgotten traumas into consciousness where one can relive them one last time as they are being released. Morganite brings in the frequency of Divine compassion, which gives us what we most need for our growth, if not always what we think we want. Morganite is recommended to all those who wish to do serious inner work and emotional self-healing. Not only can it cleanse and activate the heart, bringing it into harmony with the Divine plan, it can also awaken us to the awareness that all of our life's suffering and pain served the higher purpose of our spiritual growth. With this awareness comes the inner surrender which releases us from the pain to which we had been unconsciously clinging.

    Wearing Morganite, especially in gem form, brings a sense of peace, joy and inner strength, expressed in the most gentle and loving fashion. When one keeps Morganite on one's person for extended periods of time, there is a growth of confidence and power that comes from being constantly aware of one's connection to Divine love. One feels as though one is a conduit for that love to flow into the world through all one's interactions and relationships.

    Morganite is a Water element ally that acts to cleanse and energize the heart and emotional body. The energy of Morganite opens and clears the heart chakra and promotes the healing of fear, resentment and anger. It is excellent for ridding oneself of  attachment to past relationships that have ended badly or about which one feels unresolved. It can help one recognize emotional patterns that need to be cleared before a new relationship can be successful. If one is seeking a soul-mate relationship, Morganite helps one identify the attitudes, past wounds and habitual relationship patterns that may be standing in the way of engaging one’s Soul partner.

    Beyond personal relationships, Morganite assists in connecting with Divine Love and the Universal Heart Frequency. It can help one move out of judgment and separation and into a more holistic emotional paradigm. Morganite is aligned with angelic energies and can be used to connect with and receive guidance from angelic beings. Because of its heart-activating properties, this ally with help one align more closely with the loving energies of higher entities, allowing one to feel more supported by Spirit on the emotional level. It can aid one in developing trust in Spirit-particularly where one has had a loss or tragedy which has tested one’s faith in the Divine.

    Morganite is also called ‘Pink Emerald.’ and it is aptly named. It speaks of the abundance of the heart and the prosperity of Love. It helps attune one to the energy of abundance and to open to receive the love of the Divine. While Emerald’s frequency stimulates worldly prosperity, Morganite brings a sense of emotional abundance, love, and peaceful acceptance and trust for the Divine’s plan for one’s life.


    SPIRITUAL    Morganite assists one in connecting to Divine love and the angelic heart. It helps one to be receptive of the loving words, actions and energy of others and to be less protective of one’s emotional vulnerability. It teaches protection through love, rather than fear.

    EMOTIONAL    Morganite can aid in recognizing the emotional patterns of judgment, fear-based self-protection an manipulation that may make meaningful relationship difficult. It can help one attract one’s soul mate or deepen one’s current relationships. It can be used to bring feeling of peace and acceptance when one is facing grief or deep loss.

    PHYSICAL    Morganite’s energy supports the physical heart, strengthening its energy field and helping to establish the heart’s natural dominance in the aura.

    AFFIRMATION     Divine love enters this world through the gate of my heart.

  • Obsidian is an excellent grounding stone and provides for a connection from the base of the spine to the heart of the Earth.It is an excellent protective stone, stabilizing internal and external energies and gently protecting one from that which could bring physical and/or emotional obsidian
    harm. It provides a shield against negativity, transforming negative vibrations within an environment. It is quite useful in healing, providing both the healer and subject with clarity with respect to both the cause and the amelioration of the disease.

    Rainbow Obsidian helps to identify ones owns flaws and gives a clear picture of the changes which are necessary to eliminate these flaws. Rainbow Obsidian is an excellent grounding stone and provides a connection from the base of ones spine to the heart of the earth. It is a protective stone that keeps one safe from emotional and physical harm. It provides a shield from negativity. Having Rainbow Obsidian on ones person disperses unloving thoughts that arise from inside or that are directed towards oneself. It brings light and love to ones life. Is used in gazing gor love matters, relatonships, total development of etheric forms and physical forms. It's a stone of pleasure bringing gratification to ones life.



  • Opal is a sedimentary stone. Under proper conditions, water percolates through the earth, becoming rich in dissolved silicates. When it enters a cavity, the silicates are deposited as tiny spheres. If they are uniform in size and shape, they will diffract light. If they are random in shape and arrangement, we have common opal.


    ... Volcanic ash gives black opal its color, but inclusions have nothing to do with the play of color. That is due entirely to the tiny spheres. They must be smaller than 1500 angstroms for blue and violet colors, but no larger than 3500 angstroms to produce oranges and reds. To put that in perspective, 20,000 spheres are about the size of the period at the end of this sentence.

    ... Opal grows by filling in cavities, regardless of their shape. Hence, we have many pseudomorphs, materials with shapes that are unrelated to the chemical content. The most common are opalized wood and seashells.





    Peridot is an ancient and yet currently very popular gemstone. It is so old that it can be found even in Egyptian jewellery from the early second millennium BC. The stones used in those days came from an occurrence on a little volcanic island in the Red Sea, about 70 km off the Egyptian coast, off Assuan, which was rediscovered only around 1900 and has been completely exploited since. Peridot, however, is also a very modern stone, for only a few years ago Peridot occurrences were discovered in the Cashmere region, and the stones from there show a unique beauty of colour and transparency, so that the image of the stone, which was somewhat dulled over the ages, has received an efficient polishing.



    Peridot is one of the few gemstones which exist only in one colour. Finest traces of iron account for the deep green colour with a slight golden hue. Chemically Peridot is just an iron-magnesium-silicate, and the intensity of colour depends on the amount of iron contained. The colour as such can come in any variation from yellow-green and olive to brownish green. Peridot is not especially hard it only achieves about 6.5 to 7 on the Moh's scale and yet it is easy to care for and quite robust.

    The most beautiful stones come from the Pakistan-Afghanistan border region. Peridot as gemstone does also exist in Myanmar, China, the USA, Africa and Australia. Stones from East Burma, today's Myanmar, show a vivid green with fine silky inclusions. Peridot from the American state of Arizona, where it is quite popular in Native Indian jewellery, often shows a yellowish to golden brown shade.





    Phantom quartz usually occurs in rock crystal, but is also found in smoky quartz, citrine, and amethyst. Rock crystal is transparent and colorless quartz. It commonly occurs inside quartz veins where it crystallizes in rock cavities known as vugs or pockets Phantom quartz crystal shapes can sometimes be seen in the interior of quartz crystals, outlining an earlier stage of the crystal's formation.



    These phantoms are usually composed of other minerals such as chlorite, goethite or hematite are composed of other varieties of quartz such as milky quartz, smoky quartz or even amethyst which form on most or all of the surfaces of the quartz crystal at a particular point in time during its growth, after which the quartz crystal resumes its crystallization enclosing the phantom crystal outline within itself.

    Phantom quartz is recognized by its characteristic phantom crystal within itself. It can be identified as quartz by its crystal habit, transparency, hardness, and glassy luster.




    Phantom Quartz

  • The color pink is associated with love and other matters of the heart, and pink tourmaline is the quintessential heart-chakra stone. It is a representative of the feminine, or yin energies. It is unsurpassed as a gemstone aid in healing old emotional wounds, particularly those of childhood. It emanates a soft, soothing energy that engenders feelings of comfort, safety and nurturance. In meditation, one should hold or place a pink tourmaline upon the heart chakra, visualizing a pink light radiating from the stone and ultimately encompassing the body in a pink cloud or bubble. This will infuse the entire emotional body with love and can restore a sense of wholeness.


    Pink Tourmaline can be used to repair 'holes' in the auric field created by negative attachments or past abuse. Wearing or carrying a pink tourmaline crystal or gem through the day can assist one in releasing stress, worries, depression and anxiety. These crystals can help the emotionally 'numb' recover their passion and zest for life. They strengthen the link between the heart and crown chakras, opening the pathway for infusion of the heart with the highest Divine energies. They can help the timid find the courage to love, and they can increase the trait of gentleness in most individuals. Wearing Pink Tourmaline turns one into a beacon of its loving and healing energies, making it more difficult for others to project negativity in one's direction and often influencing them towards greater kindness and tolerance.


    Pink Tourmaline works synergistically with Rose Quartz, Morganite, Kunzite, Thulite, Rhodonite, Rhodochrosite, Malachite, Dioptase and Pink Calcite, for healing the heart and restoring love.

        Pink Tourmaline supports emotional healing and the activation of the heart chakra. It stimulates feelings of joy, happiness and  relaxation. Due to its high lithium content, it is a powerful calming stone that can calm the emotions and the physical body. It is a partner to Black Tourmaline in relieving stress and diffusing worry or obsessive behavior. In meditation, Pink Tourmaline can aid in clearing and purifying the emotional body. It helps identify emotional patterns no longer aligned with one's spiritual growth and can assist in changing these patterns to reflect higher approaches to relationship and communication.

    Pink Tourmaline is an excellent stone for children-particularly the spiritually sensitive 'Indigos'-because it provides a centering, calming energy that can assist them in considering consequence and karma before taking action.


    SPIRITUAL   Pink Tourmaline activates the high-heart center and one's ability to surrender to Love. It helps one find strength in vulnerability and feel joy in all one's learning experiences.

    EMOTIONAL   Pink Tourmaline is a powerful emotional imbalance and cleanser. It is one of the strongest stones for alleviating stress and the emotional imbalances that can stem from that state. It is a powerful stone for children, especially when hyperactivity or difficulty sleeping is an issue.

    PHYSICAL   Pink Tourmaline helps calm and soothe the heart, assisting with angina, irregular heartbeat and recovery from heart attack. It is useful in balancing brain biochemistry to help promote a balanced mental state.

    AFFIRMATION My heart is healed and whole, and I radiate the energies of love.

  • With its bright, almost luminescent green coloring Prehnite is an attractive mineral that can have a very good luster. It forms in cavities in basaltic rocks. Prehnite is a hydrous, calcium-aluminum-silicate mineral, which is commonly found in cavities and "pillows" and along fractures of basalt and diabase rock.



    It can be facetted or carved into ornaments. Prehnite was the first mineral to be named after a person, the Dutch minerologist Colonel Hendrik von Prehn (1785), who discovered the mineral in Jurassic (Karoo) dolerite in the Cradock district of the Eastern Cape Province in the early 18th Century. Prehnite was therefore the first type-locality species discovered in South Africa.



    Usually a pale green to a grass green, Prehnite can also be gray, white or colorless. Some rare specimens even resemble jade.

    Spiritually, it is believed that Prehnite can enhance one's protective field, dreaming and remembrance; bring peace and calm; and help build the immune system. It is useful for anemia and blood disorders. Its color and unusual touch generate serenity and tranquility, ideal for stress release.

    Prehnite is much in demand amongst Channellers and Shaman¡¦s who know it as the Prediction Stone. In healing, Prehnite has been used to reduce high blood pressure and control hypertension.





  • A pyramid is any man-made structure where the upper surfaces are triangular and converge on one point. The base of a pyramid may be either quadrilateral or trilateral, meaning that a pyramid may have either three or four vertical sides, but all pyramids must have trilateral sides. The measurements of these triangles uniformly classify the shape as isosceles and sometimes equilateral.pyramid

    A pyramid's design, with the majority of the weight closer to the ground, means that less material higher up on the pyramid will be pushing down from above. This allowed early civilizations to create monumental structures by basing the construction off of the mathematics of a pyramid. Indeed, for thousands of years, the by far the largest structures on Earth were pyramids: first the Red Pyramid in the Dashur Necropolis and then the Great Pyramid of Khufu, the only remaining Wonder of the World.

    The largest terrestrial structures on earth, mountains, are fundamentally pyramidal in shape. This is because the pressure exerted on the base of a rectangular or cube-shaped structure is much higher than the pressure exerted on the base of a pyramid. On a cube, the center of gravity is centered. This means that the top half of a cube is just as massive as the bottom half, and so pressure is equally distributed. In a pyramid, the center of gravity is much lower, because the majority of the mass is toward the base and there is an exponential decay of mass higher up on the pyramid. Thus, it was not until the advent of modern building materials that cubic buildings were possible to build on the scale of pyramidal ones.


  • Pyrite is a protective, shielding stone and is excellent to wear or carry as an amulet to deflect harm and danger. It is especially helpful when one is away from home or performing hazardous work.



    Pyrite guards against ongoing control, criticism and manipulation by a partner, parent or employer, lending the power to resist without becoming angry or upset, changing the balance of power. 

    A piece of Pyrite in the home or workplace energizes the area around it and imparts an immediate increase in vitality. It overcomes intellectual fatigue due to overwork and tiredness of the nervous system by stimulating blood flow to the brain, increasing mental clarity, focus and recall. 

    Pyrite inspires creativity in art, mathematics, science, architecture and many disciplines, especially those that recognize the inherent perfection and harmonious symmetry of nature and the universe. It stirs the qualities of ambition, commitment and perseverance, and is an ideal stone for students. 

    In the workplace, Pyrite encourages leadership qualities and is an ally for managers and those working toward promotion.

    Pyrite enhances the protective and assertive male energies in both men and women. It boosts women’s self-worth and helps overcome tendencies toward servitude and inferiority. For men, it instills a feeling of confidence in one’s masculinity and supports the enthusiastic expression of male eroticism. 



  • Clear Quartz

    Silica for glass, electrical components, optical lenses, abrasives, gemstones, ornamental stone, building stone, etc.


    Microcline, tourmalines, wolframite, pyrite, rutile, zeolites, fluorite, calcite, gold, muscovite, topaz, beryl, hematite, spodumene.




    SiO2, Silicon dioxide.



    Not present.


    variable as the spectrum, but clear quartz is by far the most common color followed by white or cloudy (milky quartz). Purple (Amethyst), pink (Rose Quartz), gray or brown to black (Smoky Quartz) are also common. Cryptocrystalline varieties can be multicolored.


    Widely variable but the most common habit is hexagonal prisms terminated with a six sided pyramid (actually two rhombohedrons). Three of the six sides of the pyramid may dominate causing the pyramid to be or look three sided. Left and right handed crystals are possible and identifiable only if minor trigonal pyramidal faces are present. Druse forms (crystal lined rock with just the pyramids showing) are also common. Massive forms can be just about any type but common forms include botryoidal, globular, stalactitic, crusts of agate such as lining the interior of a geode and many many more.


    trigonal; 32.


    Crystal habit, hardness, striations, lack of cleavage and good conchoidal fracture.




    Striations on prism faces run perpendicular to C axis, piezoelectric and index of refraction is 1.55.


    Brazil, Uruguay, Mexico, Russia, Canada, USA.






    Glassy to vitreous as crystals, while cryptocrystalline forms are usually waxy to dull but can be vitreous.


    Quartz can be used to dispell static electricity and also convert and redirect energy towards a beneficial state. It produces a naturally balanced, solid state energy field, modifying the energy available in accordance with the understanding user. Quartz can be used to amplify thought energy and body energy. It can assist in creation of power and can provide clarity in thinking to enable thoughts to more effectively influence matter. It is said that quartz brings the energies of the stars into the soul. The natural tendencies for quartz is harmony and it is recognized as a stone of power. It can be used to communicate with everything in physical as well as the metaphysical world. It can be used to transform thought into sound, producing the vibration associated with the thought affecting the environment with the discharged energy. All of the psychic abilities can be stimulated and amplified using quartz. It has the property of retaining calmness and clarity in every situation, decreasing negative energy that could inhibit emotional stability. It aids in perseverance and patience. Quartz crystals were used in Lemuria and Atlantis for rejuvination and in the development of a complete civilization of incredible power and splendor. The misuse of these crystal is said to have ended these civilizations. Quartz responds extremely well to the heart chakra and the third-eye chakra. In the heart chakra, it helps to clear emotional disturbances, enhances the states of self help and self love. In the third-eye chakra, it enables one to focus more clearly with the mind to empty the mind. It also promotes reflection, magnification of images and thoughts. Quartz, when used for the crown chakra, produces a spiraling effect that remove the Kundalini for access to the spiritual realm. If one has not overcome personal will and open the crown chakra it can produce disruptions in the emotional, physical and spiritual centers. Quartz can direct ones materialistic energies towards the spiritual realm. Quartz cancels harmful effects of radiation and radioactivity. It enhances and protects the aura. Placed at the crown chakra during sleep it will bring clarity and wisdom to ones dreams. If worn close to the neck stimulate thyroid and parathyroid glands. If worn over the heart it will stimulate the thymus and increase the efficiency of the immune system. If worn over the solar plexus it simulates the bodies total energy. If worn on the fingers it stimulates the midas touch (what you touch turns to gold). If worn on the wrist it stimulates the meridians which represent the survival and protection of the physical and emotional bodies. When worn at the third-eye it stimulates mental clarity. When worn as earrings it provides balancing of the of the physical body. A single quartz crystal carried on ones body will assists in maintaining balance, energy and protection. When pointing a quartz termination up, it has given people outer body experiences. When pointing the termination down, it has produced a grounding effect. Clear quartz has been used by many culture throughout time. Examples of these are Atlanteans, Lemurians, Native Americans, African Tribals, Egyptians, Mayans, Aztecs, Australian Aborigines, Romans, Scots, Celts, Tibetan Buddhists, Brahmans and many other cultures. Quartz is one of the seven precious substances of buddhism. It is also said to one of the stones used in the breast plate of the high priest. Ancient priests used quartz crystals to render negative energy impotent, to dissolve enchantments, spells and destroy all black magic. Romans used quartz for glandular swelling, fevers and as a pain reliever. In the Scottish Highland quartz set in silver and worn on the back was said to be effective for kidney disease. In medieval times quartz was held against the tongue to assuage fever and quench thirst.


    Quartz is used in the treatment of the circulatory system, vertigo, dizziness, emotional stability, pain form burns, blistering from burns, burns, skin disorders, elimination of toxins in the body, digestive disorders, kidney disfunction/failure and bladder infections/failure.








    Transparent to translucent, cryptocrystalline forms can be transparent, translucent or opaque.


    To the number 4.


    Clear Quartz


    Rhodochrosite (whose name means rose-colored from the Greek rhodon -"rose" and chroma - "color") is a very attractive mineral with an absolutely one-of-a-kind, beautiful color. Although it can be an ore of manganese, it is its ornamental and display specimen qualities that make it a very popular mineral. The color of a single crystal can just astound the observer with its vivid pink-rose color that seems to be transmitted out of the crystal as if lit from within.rhodochrosite

    Rhodochrosite (Manganese Spar) is found in a number of locations worldwide. For several years now the Sweet Home Mine in Alma and the Sunnyside Mine in Silverton, Colorado has been mined exclusively for Rhodochrosite specimens. The Hotazel Mine in South Africa is famous for producing deep red clusters of Rhodochrosite crystals. However the most famous mines are in the provinces of Catamarca and La Rioja, Argentina. The mines there produce an attractive pink- and red-banded Rhodochrosite. The variety is sometimes called Inca Rose and is valued as an ornamental stone.

    With its famous rose color, Rhodochrosite jewelry is truly beautiful and unique.

    The rhodochrosite crystal must be one of the most emotionally rewarding crystals out there. It bestows a positive, enthusiastic attitude towards life, injecting joie de vivre and stimulating an all-encompassing love.

    Rhodochrosite is also known for its sexual properties. It encourages liveliness, eroticism and spontaneous expressions of feeling. It can also stimulate the sexual organs of reproduction.

    The rhodochrosite crystal also makes the blood vessels more elastic, thus helps with migraines and joint pains.



  • Rose Quartz is a form of quartz that ranges in color from pink to deep red.

    The pink can be almost rose red and some African verities border on lavender. The color seems to be caused by iron and titanium impurities. However the color of rose quartz is still not completely understood. It has been said to be due to a number of different minor impurities present in the rose quartz including titanium, manganese and even colloidal gold.rose quartz

    The pink color in Rose Quartz is photosensitive and can fade in sunlight.

    Rose Quartz is almost always massive, rarely occurring in small horizontally striated hexagonal prisms. Brazil is the only source of true well formed crystals of rose quartz. Rose Quartz crystals are thus extremely valuable.

    Rose quartz has been used as a gemstone and as other ornamental and religious objects for thousands of years. Historically, it is a symbol of love and beauty.

    Rose Quartz is a mothering crystal, inspiring nurturing of the self if one has lost their own mother. It promotes bonding and is a good stone to place on the stomach during pregnancy, and to take to the hospital to be near the baby during birth. It is also soothing in the days to follow. Placing baby milk or food within a circle of Rose Quartz for a few minutes helps ease colic or feeding difficulties. Rose Quartz is a mothering crystal, inspiring nurturing of the self if one has lost their own mother. It promotes bonding and is a good stone to place on the stomach during pregnancy, and to take to the hospital to be near the baby during birth. It is also soothing in the days to follow. Placing baby milk or food within a circle of Rose Quartz for a few minutes helps ease colic or feeding difficulties. 

    To call in love or strengthen a romantic relationship, place pink roses and twin Rose Quartz hearts on a private love altar and light pink candles, or enclose a photo of yourself and a lover within a heart shape of tiny Rose Quartz crystals. Rose Quartz may also be placed by the bed or in the relationship corner of the home to restore trust and harmony, and encourage unconditional love. 

    As a stone of love, tenderness and sensuality, Rose Quartz is a powerful aphrodisiac, stimulating sensual imagination.
    Rose Quartz is a wonderful sleep crystal for adults and children, providing beautiful dreams as well as preventing nightmares or night terrors. It also helps children to not be afraid of the dark.

    Rose Quartz is a calming and reassuring crystal, excellent for use in trauma or crisis, including the emotional upheaval of mid-life crisis. It strengthens empathy, sensitivity, and aids in the acceptance of necessary change. It is also an excellent stone for comforting grief.
    A large piece of unpolished Rose Quartz in the workplace provides ongoing protection against intrusion and gossip.  It is also a professional support stone for beauty consultants. 

    Rose Quartz Physical Healing Energy

    Rose Quartz may be used to sooth burns and reduce blistering if rubbed lightly with a polished stone or used as an elixir. It may also be beneficial in diminishing the appearance of unsightly scars. Use as an elixir to clear the skin, reduce wrinkles and promote a soft complexion. 
    Rose Quartz stimulates the proper functioning of the heart and circulatory system. It aids in relieving tension and stress, palpitations or skipped beats, and may stabilize irregular heart rhythm. It is ideal for premature babies or young children with heart weakness or disease, or anyone who needs a stronger, more stable heart.

    This stone is used to clear fluids in the cells of the body and promote the release of impurities. It assists in healing the kidneys and adrenals, and placed on the thymus aids chest and lung problems, relieving coughs and soothing bronchial areas. It has also been used in treating vertigo.

    Rose Quartz is especially supportive of the female reproductive system, the genitals and for increase in fertility. It assists in alleviating sexual difficulties, post-partum depression, and is thought to help mothers heal after complicated births.

    Rose Quartz Emotional Healing Energy

    The soft pink emanations of Rose Quartz comforts and heals any wounds the heart has suffered, penetrating the inner chambers of the Heart Chakra where emotional experiences are recorded and stored. It dissolves the sorrows, worries, fears and resentments suppressing the heart's ability to give and receive love, and replaces it with healing, comfort and inner nourishment. A deep sense of personal fulfillment and energy forms a new foundation where inner peace and contentment can become a personal reality.

    Rose Quartz is also a stone for those unable to experience the joy of living because of never having had love given to them, possibly missing the love and nurturing as a child that is vital for the development of security and a positive self image. Rose Quartz is the healer for these internal wounds, erasing the primal imprints and reprogramming the heart to accept the infinite source of love that comes from within the self. Only after learning to give love to the self is it possible to truly love others.

    Rose Quartz Chakra Healing and Balancing Energy

    Pink Rose Quartz is the most important crystal of the heart and the Heart Chakra, teaching the true essence of love, and purifying and opening the heart at all levels.

    The Heart Chakra is located near the center of the breastbone and regulates our interaction with the external world and controls what we embrace and what we resist. It gives us the balancing ability to be ourselves within the environment, and helps us in understanding our own needs and emotions clearly. We can deal with the ebbs and flows of emotional relationships, understand their cyclic nature, and accept the changes.

    Rose Quartz also balances the yin-yang energy, and can bring all the other chakras into harmony and unity with the Heart. With the power of its light red rays, Rose Quartz gently stimulates the Base Chakra to help rejuvenate the physical body.Located at the base of the spine, the Base Chakra controls the energy for kinesthetic feeling and movement. It is the foundation of physical and spiritual energy for the body. When it is in balance, the physical body gains strength and spiritual energy is rekindled in the form of security and sense of one's own power.
Rose Quartz Spiritual EnergyRose Quartz is feminine in tone and one of the stones of the Great Mother. It not only activates the human Heart Chakra, it also links with the heart of the Earth and the heart of the Universe.

    Its vibrations can penetrate down to the cellular level and reprogram cells for joy and longevity rather than despair and death. It encourages the dissolution of anger and resentment, fear and suspicion, and brings the Light of healing, the rebirth of hope and faith in the benevolence of the Universe.

    All forms of Rose Quartz emanate the same essential energies, but the clusters of prismatic Rose Quartz crystals are more powerful for their size than any other variety. Clearer and /or deeper-colored Rose Quartz is usually considered more powerful than the material that is opaque and pale. Star Rose Quartz combines the love energies for which this stone is known with electric intensity of Rutile. Thus, Star Rose Quartz accelerates and magnifies the affects of Rose Quartz. It is an excellent gift for jump -starting a romance!

    Rose Quartz harmonizes with most heart stones, including Rhodonite, Pink Calcite, Pink Tourmaline, Rhodochrosite, Morganite, Emerald and Tsavorite Garnet. Moldavite activates Rose Quartz's capacity to effect spiritual transformation through the power of love. Phenacite, Natrolite and Scolecite enhance one's ability to use Rose Quartz as a window to Divine love.


    Rose Quartz

  • Which colour would you spontaneously associate with love and vividness, passion and power? Obviously this will evoke the colour red. Red symbolizes love, it emanates warmth and a strong sense of life. Red is also the colour of Ruby, the King of gemstones. After all, in the fascinating realm of gemstones rubies are the generally accepted emperors. Ruby

    For thousands of years Ruby has been considered on of the most valuable gemstones of our Earth. It has got all it takes for a precious stone: a wonderful colour, excellent hardness and an overwhelming brilliance. Besides, it is an extremely rare gemstone, especially in the finer qualities.

    For a long time India was considered as the classical country of Rubies. The literature of India contains a rich and varied knowledge collected and handed down for over two thousand years. Even the term "corundum" which we use today is derived from the Sanskrit word "kuruvinda". In the Sanskrit language Ruby is called "ratnaraj", which does in fact translate as "King of Gemstones". And it was a royal welcome indeed which used to be prepared for this King of Gemstones: Whenever a spectacular Ruby crystal was found, the emperor sent out his notables to meet the precious gemstone and welcome it in appropriate style. Today Rubies decorate the insignia of many Royal Houses. But are they really all Rubies? Read on to find out more !

    Only a Bit of Chrome

    Ruby is the red variety of the corundum mineral, one of the hardest minerals on Earth which also includes Sapphire. Pure corundum is colourless. Slight traces of the colour creating elements such as chrome, iron, titanium or vanadium are responsible for the colour. These gemstones show an excellent hardness. On the Mohs Scale they achieve a hardness of 9, second only to diamonds. And only red corundum may be called Ruby, any other colour is denominate as Sapphires. The close relationship of Ruby and Sapphire has been known since the beginning of the 19th century. Up to that time, also red garnet or Spinells were thought to be Rubies and due to this misclassification the so-called "Black Ruby" as well as the "Timur Ruby" decorating the British Crown Jewels are probably actually no Rubies at all, but Spinells.

    Ruby, this magnificent red variety of the multi-coloured corundum family, consists of aluminium oxide and chrome as well as smallest proportions of other trace elements - depending on the respective occurrence. In really fine colours and good clarity, however, this gemstone is mined only rarely all over the world. Responsible for this scarcity is in fact the colour-creating element chrome. Millions of years ago, when the gemstones were being created, chrome was the element awarding Ruby its wonderful colour deep inside the core of the Earth. But at the same time it is also responsible for causing a multitude of fissures and tiny irregularities inside the crystals. Only very few ruby crystals could grow undisturbed to considerable sizes and crystallise to form a perfect gemstone. Therefore, then, fine Rubies are quite scarce in sizes above 3 karats. Thus it is no miracle that Rubies with hardly any inclusions are so valuable that in good colours and larger sizes they will achieve top prices at auctions, which surpass even those paid for diamonds.

    Some Rubies show a wonderful silky shine, the so-called "silk" of the Ruby. The reason for this phenomenon are finest rutilum needles. And now and then we will come across one of the very scarce Star Rubies. Again the rutilum mineral is involved here: it is embedded asterisk-shaped within the Ruby thus causing the charming light effect which is termed "Asterism" by the experts. If such Rubies are cut as half-dome shaped cabochons, this will result in six-ray stars which seem to magically glide across the surface of the moving stones. Star Rubies are expensive rarities Their value is assessed according to beauty and attractive colour, while transparency is secondary. Fine Star Rubies, however, should always display rays which are completely shaped including the rounding, and the stars should be situated right in the centre.

    Ruby-red means Passion

    Red like Ruby. Ruby-red. The most important characteristic about that valuable stone is its colour. There is of course a reason for this: the name "Ruby" was derived from the Latin word "rubens¡¨ meaning "red". The red of Rubies is in a class all by otself: warm and fiery. Two magical elements are associated with the symbolism of this colour: fire and blood, implying warmth and life for mankind. And thus Ruby-red is not just any old colour, no, it is the epitome of colour: hot, passionate and powerful colour. Like no other gemstone Ruby is the perfect symbol of powerful feelings. A ring set with a precious Ruby does not really symbolise a calm and moderate sympathy, but rather passionate and unbridled love which two people feel for each other.

    Birthplace of Fine Rubies

    Which is the most beautiful Ruby? This an excellent question. After all, a Ruby may show very different shades of red depending on its origin. The range of the different reds is quite considerable; compared to hotel categories one might say it ranges from luxury accommodation to simple and plain inns. For example, id the gemstone experts talk about Burmese Ruby this indicates the top luxury category. However, it does not necessary follow that the stone has to be of Burmese origin. It is basically an indication of the fact that the colour of said Ruby is the typical shade originally shown by stones from the famous occurrences in Burma, nowadays called Myanmar: a satiated red with a slightly bluish hue. Sometimes "dove-blood-red" is also mentioned, but the term "Burma-colour" is far more precise. An expert will immediately associate this colour with the legendary "Mogok Stone Tract" and the gemstone centre of Mogok in the North of Myanmar. Here we will find the famous Ruby occurrences of the country situated in a mountain valley surrounded by high summits. By hard labour gemstones are brought to daylight in the "valley of Rubies", stones with a fascinating brilliance second to none. Unfortunately, fine qualities are quite scarce here, too. The colour of Burma Ruby is considered to be exceptionally vivid. It is said to display its unique brilliance in any light, natural or artificial.

    The journey to the most important Ruby occurrences of the World leads us further on to the small city of Mong Hsu in the North-East of Myanmar, where we can find the most important Ruby occurrences of the nineties. Originally these were hardly considered adequate to be used for jewellery, as Mong Hsu Ruby crystals show two colours when untreated: a purple to blackish core and a bright red brim. Only when it was discovered that the dark core would disappear after heat treatment and only the deep red would remain, Rubies from Mong Hsu could find their way to the jewellery market. Today the Mong Hsu gemstone mines are still among the most important Ruby suppliers. They mostly offer heat-treated Rubies in commercial qualities and sizes between 0.5 and 3 carats.

    Ruby occurrences exist also in the neighbouring country of Viet Nam, near the Chinese border. Rubies of Vietnamese origin generally display a slightly purplish hue. Rubies from Thailand, another classical supplier of Rubies, however, produces Rubies which are often dark red tending towards brown. This "Siam colour" - an elegantly modulated deep red - is considered almost as beautiful in Rubies as the Burma-colour, and is especially cherished in the USA. The Ceylon-Rubies, however, which are quite scarce nowadays, were mainly light red, like ripe raspberries.

    Other Ruby occurrences are located in Northern Pakistan in the Hunza-Valley, or in Cashmere, Tadchikistan, Laos, Nepal, and Afghanistan. But Rubies are also produced in India, wherein the Federal states of Mysore and Orissa there were discovered occurrences with relatively large Ruby crystals, which are, however, full of inclusions, but nevertheless excellently suited to be cut as Ruby beads or cabochons.

    Currently East Africa has become an issue concerning Ruby occurrences. Rubies from Kenya and Tanzania managed ton surprise everybody, including the experts, when they were discovered in the sixties. The reason for this was their remarkably beautiful colour, which may vary from light to dark red. But also in the African mines fine and clear Rubies in good colour and size are rarely found. Usually the qualities mined are more or less simple average.

    Colour above (almost) Everything

    As stated above: colour is Rubys most important feature, and transparency is secondary only. Therefore, then, inclusions do not effect the quality of a Ruby, unless they decrease the transparency of the stone or are located right in the centre of its table. Quite the contrary applies: inclusions within a ruby are something like the gemstones fingerprints, stating its individuality while at the same time proving its genuineness like a certificate provided by Nature. The cut is essential: only a perfect cut will underline the beauty of this valuable and precious stone appropriately to make it really the "King of Gemstones". But just as true love is rare indeed, so are really perfect Rubies. And if you find one, it is bound to cost a small fortune. Nevertheless: once you find "your" Ruby, do not hesitate: go for it and keep it!



  • While most varieties of transparent quartz are valued most when they lack inclusions, some varieties are valued chiefly because of inclusions! The most popular of these is known as rutilated quartz. Rutilated quartz is transparent rock crystal with golden needles of rutile arrayed in patterns inside. Every pattern is different and some are breathtakingly beautiful. The inclusions are sometimes called Venus hair. Less well known is a variety called tourmalinated quartz which, instead of golden rutile, has black or dark green tourmaline crystals.

    Rutilated quartz is found in Australia, Brazil, Kazakhstan, Madagascar, Norway, Pakistan and the United States.rutilated quartz

    Rutile is a major ore of titanium, which is a metal used for high tech alloys. It often forms needle-like crystal inclusions inside quartz. This form of quartz is known as rutilated quartz and it looks like small bars of imbedded gold. Rutile is a 6 on the Mohs scale.

    Because of the difference in hardness between the two materials and because of the way rutile forms inside, this can be a difficult stone to attain a smooth surface without pits.

    Rutilated quartz has been referred to as Cupid's darts, Venus hair stone and Fleches d'amour.

    The name quartz comes from the Saxon word querklufterz which meant cross vein ore. The name rutile comes from the Latin word rutilus meaning red.

    Rutile is said to intensify the metaphysical properties of its host crystal and to enhance one's understanding of difficult situations. It is also said to enhance creativity and to relieve depression and loneliness.

    Rutilated quartz is said to slow down the aging process and is said to be a strong healer.

    Rutilated quartz energizes, rejuvenates, and balances the system. It raises your vibrations, increases clairvoyance, and strengthens thought projections. This gemstone helps the body in the assimilation of nutrients, helps the immune system function more effectively, slows diseases of aging, and prevents depression.

    The crossing of the rutiles in this type of quartz represents the accord of tissue regeneration within the physical body. This mineral also stimulates the electrical properties of the body.


    Rutilated Quartz