• OpenCart V2的SEO URL關鍵字歷史記錄重定向

OpenCart V2的SEO URL關鍵字歷史記錄重定向

  • 品牌: VB Solutions
  • 型號: SEKHR-V1OC2
  • 庫存狀態: 有現貨
  • $30.00
  • $20.00

SEO URL Keyword History Redirection
Make sure your old SEO URL's do not produce a 404 Not Found.
No longer a need for difficult htaccess redirection rules.
Fully automated, turn-key, fire and forget.

Normally when you change your SEO URL keywords, the old ones are gone.
If those old SEO URL's were already indexed by search engines, they will receive a 404 Not Found response.
That is a shame.

With SEO URL Keyword History Redirection, whenever you change your SEO URL Keywords, the old keywords are saved in history.
When the search engines request the old SEO URL, they are automatically redirected to the current SEO URL with a permanent 301 redirect.
The same of course applies to any customer who happens to click on an obsolete SEO URL anywhere on the internet.


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標籤: seo url, keyword history, redirection, seo keyword, opencart