Spiritual Media


Orange Gemstone ~ Orange Sapphire, Sunstone, Tangerine Quartz,Fire Opal, Carnelian, Orange Selenite, Orange Calcite...

Wear orange gemstone can help you return to a state of balance.

  • In times of stress, or after a shock or a surprise, an inability to let go of the past.
  • A feeling of bleakness and boredom, particularly where there is a sense that time is really dragging.
  • A lack of interest in what is going on around you, even to the degree of disdaining to become involved in any way.
  • Over-seriousness, taking oneself too seriously, being unable to see humour and playfulness in life.
  • A fear of experiencing pleasure through the senses and of enjoying sensuality.
  • A problem with blocked experiences in life, such as a decrease in personal creativity.
  • It brings a willingness to get involved with practical exploration.
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